Trademark in Myanmar
Definition of a Trademark
Trademark Definition under Criminal Law
Section 478 of the Myanmar Penal Code defines Trade Mark
as a mark used for denoting that goods are the manufacture
or merchandise of a particular person.
order to be a Trade Mark, within the meaning of section
478 of the Myanmar Penal Code the mark must be
"distinctive" in the sense of being adapted to
distinguish the goods of the proprietor of the Trade Mark
from those of other persons. Where the mark merely
describes the quality or origin of the article and is such
as is commonly used in the trade, to define goods of
particular kind, it is not distinctive 1.
What is a distinctive mark has been defined by Lord
Halsbury whose well known definition quoted in Gaw
Kan Lye v. Saw Kyone Saing 2 is as follows:
'Distinctive' means distinguishing a particular person's
goods from somebody else's - not a quality attributed to
the particular article, but distinctive in that respect
that it is a manufacture of his, distinguished from
somebody else's. If a mark merely describes the quality or
origin of an article, such a descriptive mark is,
obviously, not capable of distinguishing the goods of one
maker from those of others, e.g. 'Pain�killer' and 'Gripe
Water' for medicines,' Malted Milk' and' Madras Curry
Powder' for articles of diet."
has been held in J.Petley & Son v. S.Ah Kyun 3 that
the style of the "get up" of the boxes or
packages in which goods are retailed does not constitute a
"Trade Mark" as defined in section 478 of the
In�dian Penal Code.
Trademark Definition under Civil Law
There being no Trademark Act, Trademarks are not defined
un� der Myanmar Civil Law. However in a broad sense
"Trademark" is widely understood in this
country. Even under the Myanmar Penal Code, words can
constitute a trademark.
Myanmar it does not really matter whether a particular
brand or label used by a particular manufacturer
constitute a trademark in the strict legal sense. For
example the manufacturer may use a particular colour
combination only without any particular mark, e.g. Lever's
Car�bolic Soap. In such a case anyone who imitates the
particular colour combination on that soap would be liable
in an action for passing-off even if there is no
particular mark on the label.
Myanmar there is nothing to prevent a person who has
invented a particular colour combination to distinguish
his goods from registering it or from calling it a
trademark. ,As a matter of fact, many manufacturers
usually register the entire label attached on the goods
although within that label they may have a particular
device which is called a trademark. Thus the whole label
will be a trademark and not the particular device in it.
The word "trademark" is in fact loosely used in
Myanmar .
Acquisition of exclusive right for use of a
Acquisition of Trademark right without registration
Unlike the system existing in some European countries
which require a trademark to be registered in order to be
protected; the Union of Myanmar recognizes acquisition of
trademark rights without registration, similar to the
system adopted by the United Kingdom, the United States of
America and a number of other countries. Typically, this
concept is based not on a statute but on common law; which
is to say that precedences are established through Court
Acquisition of exclusive right of use through past
in many other countries, in Myanmar it is sufficient that
a trademark is used in order to acquire the exclusive
right of use.
Registration does not automatically give exclusive
right of use
Myanmar there is no law or statute established for the
registration of trademarks and no authorities exist from
which an exclusive right to a particular trademark can be
obtained. The right to a trademark depends upon the
general principles of common law.
Trademark Registration
Registration of a Local Trademark by Declaration of
Ownership A
trademark owner may, if he desires, register his trademark
at the Office of the Registrar of Deeds under the
Registration Act by means of a declaration of ownership.
In fact, most of the prominent trademark owners and also
Government Enterprises register their trademarks under the
Registration Act, and thereafter advertise a cautionary
notice in daily newspapers to protect their trademarks.
As already stated, there is no Trademark Registration Act
in Myanmar. And therefore- registration of a trademark is
not compulsory. However registration of declaration of
ownership of Trademark under the Registration Act is
certainly beneficial. Direction 13 of the Registration Act
provides for the registration of Trademarks under section
18 (f) of the Registration Act:-
A. Khunjalam and Two others v. T.C. Mohamed 1949, Burma
Law Reports p. 650
1939, Rangoon Law Reports p.488
(1903-4), 2 Lower Burma Rulings p.159